
Sustainability is more than a corporate buzz word. It is a way of doing business that places the needs of our customers and employees first, makes our community better, and preserves our planet. Our actions seek to lead and can be measured by our commitment to the Social, Environmental, and Economic drivers, a plan we call SEE CAVU

This is bigger than just one country, company, or person. It will take all of us to make sure future generations have the same opportunities and a healthy planet. This commitment is driving us to a future of being a leader in sustainable manufacturing, and we are only getting started. Read on to understand what SEE CAVU means to us:

Social Commitment

Employee Education
We are committed to providing continuing education and training to our employees over the course of 2022

Community Involvement
We have set a goal for 2022 of 250 volunteer hours through various local organizations

Economic Opportunities

Customer Value
We have a commitment to increase the number of local suppliers we partner with by 5% annually, delivering product when it is needed regionally

Operational Efficiencies
In order to be a leader in sustainable manufacturing CAVU is committed to continually improving our processes in order to reduce waste and raw material usage at the source

Environmentally Conscious

Natural Resource Consumption
Continually examine and reduce our natural resource consumption to ensure our impact on global warming and climate change is minimal

Waste Management
We are increasing recycling usage throughout the company and expanding our program to include e-waste, batteries and other materials